In a few days, we will say goodbye to 2010 and welcome with big embrace to 2011. As always with previous years , I wouldn't make any New Year Resolution because it may well not stuck it even to the end of January.
However, there are few notes that I would like to remind myself of the ups and downs that are happening this year . . .
(1) Time flies so fast . . .
So fast that now is the exactly 1 year ago that I started out to have internship in MCT.^.^ Miss my pretty SV already leh . . . In another few months, I will be on my tracks to become part of working adult society. As they said, time and tides waits for no man which means I need to finish up the core engine of my network management suite and part of GA at more faster rate.
(2) We learnt a lot from bad harvest but we never really learnt from good harvest
Why ? Because this is the most critical time in our university life and the damn Board of Engineering and Engineering Accreditation Council "high pass filter" for our results grade. Really, at first many will be stunned to see their grades dropped like bombshell . Also the uni's staff is also damn cruel, release the results just right before X ' mas making us feel very moody. But luckily got some presents to warm up my cold hearts. Hehehehe.. thanks guys !
(3) Never ever believe the official press conference
:( We are experiencing sick jokes . If someone say got accredited , means we got the accreditation already but hell no ~
this is what really happening. . .
First someone say to us that we don't need top up as we are the last batch narrowly escaped the accreditation expiry date
Later got someone is jealous and complain if want to accredited, accredited all in once lar
Ok, due to peer pressure , our course need to subjugate to the same torment as the rest and we need to take up extra bullshit top up course.
The end. Official press, it's just sham cover up.
(4) Flood and Tornadoes
Yeah, flood flood flood during our final semester exam which force us to postpone our exam 3 weeks later. Pity the folks in Perlis who are unfortunately caught in this disaster. Also the tornadoes that hit many of kampung and some plantations area in Chuping. This is the semester first time which were fraught with many disaster at once, Remembered , the 2012 is coming very soon already, the signs is here . . .
(5) Perlis is developing much after 6 months
When we were leaving Perlis for Industrial Training, there were absolutely null form of high class eateries (E.G : Secret Recipe ) and also entertainment center such as bowling center and I-Box in Kangar too. It makes you go 0_0 , wondering were you at the right place after leaving this place for long when these crops out of nowhere..
There are a few simple, short and hard rules to live by when you are in domain of Mount Olympia: (1) NO spam comments (2) NONE copy right reserved (3) The blog represents the view of the author but he is not liable for any loss or damage to your properties and lives. (4) Got any comments to add ? "Post A Comment" (5) Enjoy other articles too . . . (NOTE: This blogs is slowly . . . undergoing extreme makeover ! I still experimenting with the CSS and HTML , please bear it a while ^_^ )
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ultimate secrets in winning *most* of Dota game ?
In the past when I was young and naive , I got some friends who are pitting against other pro DotA player from the same states (Johor) to qualify for Sendi Mutiara Multimedia tournament. One of them are pretty queer by my standards. He create a prayer and said that this "prayer" would help him to overcome any tides in the battles and also winning many of DotA matches and pubs games and holy shit ! he is almost right . Their team (kS - T34m) is qualified for the state championship and win marginally against Melaka but lose terribly to K.L team in middles. Here is his version of DotA prayer , digitized to electronics form. Here is the unveiled secrets of his dota mojo prayer.
Hahaha ... this is what you get from a crazy wacko who almost didn't touch any DotA games
But for me ? I developed even a more "unstable concotions" of my own version of prayer. Bhwaaaaaaaa...... Guess what that did for me . Wonder why I spends last few mins which can be put to good use for other stuffs. =_= .....
Friday, December 17, 2010
38 -years old "virgin"
38 years all this long and no one EVER borrow this book ?
So then what makes the book is this very "special" and makes no one want to borrow it or ....
is it perfectly hidden until it chose itself to be revealed for the Chosen One to find it and unveil the secrets ?
is it perfectly hidden until it chose itself to be revealed for the Chosen One to find it and unveil the secrets ?
COBOL ? ? ? No wonder... Whoever uses COBOL anymore ? Go C++ programming language !
How to use Skype in pre-Facebook era
In this age of Facebook era, everyone tends to be online for 80% - 90% of all time to be just on the Facebooking. Heck, in fact the Skype ( a type of Instant messaging softwares) is integrating itself to the Facebook. By the way, I suddenly reminisce all the things we do when there are no Facebook yet at that time and we use IM to do all sorts of wacky stuffs . Such as follows
(1) Skyping each other using emoticons
In the past, mostly on Friday nights where there are nothing better to do, some of us would poke around and disturb pretty much anyone who is online. If the other party are as 'sporting' as you and too had much of free times at their hand , well you can Skype in emoticons all way long.
(2) Telling stories in Skype
Or if you are truly truly bored on a Sunday morning, well you can tell a story in emoticons too.
You can tell a story (which have double meaning) by the way. If your mind isn't that yellow minded , you can pretty much interpreted the whole story without that xXx stuffs . :D
(1) Skyping each other using emoticons
In the past, mostly on Friday nights where there are nothing better to do, some of us would poke around and disturb pretty much anyone who is online. If the other party are as 'sporting' as you and too had much of free times at their hand , well you can Skype in emoticons all way long.
(2) Telling stories in Skype
Or if you are truly truly bored on a Sunday morning, well you can tell a story in emoticons too.
You can tell a story (which have double meaning) by the way. If your mind isn't that yellow minded , you can pretty much interpreted the whole story without that xXx stuffs . :D
Or if your imagination and creative thinking is not your kind of cup of tea , just tell some dirty jokes . :D
(3) Discussing some programming homework over Skype (With some hillarious results)
This only applies to anyone who had almost similiar programming style as me . Really hillarious if you copy and paste to your Skype and makes your friends goes 0_0 ...
(4) Cheating in Skype games against friends. :P
Wolfram Alpha is your vocab friends in Hangman game if you are in doubt .....
(5) hHack any unused dial phone and plug it into computer
Go figure out yourself on how to do this one instead. ;p
(P.S You will need a headphone, old dial up phone and water resistant dutch tape)
Bonus: I uploaded the Super Mario games animated gifs for you all to see. Not so random because there will be a lecturer who looks like Mario and he gonna teach us very soon (apparently next week) ....
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Small talks on UniMap accreditation
Due to the "seriousness" in this particular article and some strong warning from my concerned friends, I decided to encrypt the whole piece article to become viewable to those who follow my blogs only or those who had the right key to decrypt the articles ^_^ . Unimap Peace !
Click on Show Encypted Text to decrypt the whole article !
Click on Show Encypted Text to decrypt the whole article !
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A simple batch files to lock the USB drive
Here is another good batch files programming examples to demonstrate the capability of the batch file programming.
Tips: Before running the batch,make sure you set the username and password before you play around...
-----------------------START HERE ----------------------
echo off
color 1a
if EXIST autorun.inf goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST autorun.inf goto Auto
echo Please enter your username and password below and press ENTER button.
set/p "user=User Name=>"
set/p "pass=Password=>"
if NOT %user%==SET_USERNAME_HERE goto False
if EXIST %~d0\lockusb.bat goto end
start %~d0
MSG * You successfully access the USB drive
Msg * You can visit to find more of batch file programming code
MSG * You are authorized user but your password is wrong
MSG * You are not the authorized user
echo [autorun] >> autorun.inf
echo open= >> autorun.inf
echo shell\OPEN=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\OPEN\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay.\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlays\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\Explore=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\Explore.\Command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo label=Putera >> autorun.inf
Msg * Please plug out the USB drive and jack in to initialize the inf files.
attrib +r +a +S +H autorun.inf
attrib +r +a +s +h lockusb.bat
Tips: Before running the batch,make sure you set the username and password before you play around...
-----------------------START HERE ----------------------
echo off
color 1a
if EXIST autorun.inf goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST autorun.inf goto Auto
echo Please enter your username and password below and press ENTER button.
set/p "user=User Name=>"
set/p "pass=Password=>"
if NOT %user%==SET_USERNAME_HERE goto False
if EXIST %~d0\lockusb.bat goto end
start %~d0
MSG * You successfully access the USB drive
Msg * You can visit to find more of batch file programming code
MSG * You are authorized user but your password is wrong
MSG * You are not the authorized user
echo [autorun] >> autorun.inf
echo open= >> autorun.inf
echo shell\OPEN=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\OPEN\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay.\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlay=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\AutoPlays\command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\Explore=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo shell\Explore.\Command=lockusb.bat >> autorun.inf
echo label=Putera >> autorun.inf
Msg * Please plug out the USB drive and jack in to initialize the inf files.
attrib +r +a +S +H autorun.inf
attrib +r +a +s +h lockusb.bat
Friday, December 10, 2010
Simplify bees and flowers concept using pens to small kids
Hi all, it's been a while since I blogged. But okay, now I am on "un"-official break a bit after the exam and in midst of top-up sem . =_= ... Although I like the lectures, I really hate the feeling of studying during holiday.
By the way, my five year old neighbour kids came over ( I had to babysit him for a while ) and play Pokemon TGC with me today and somehow somewhere there are a card really caught up my attention. It is really weird to see this kind of card popping it in the kids trading card game
and that card alone makes him a very curious little boy
[The following pictures are heavily censored in this country and banned outright in this count and maybe NSFW :P]
Are you ready ?
5 . . . . .
4 . . . .
3 . . .
2 . .
1 .
Ta ~
Daa ~~
Wait wait wait ...... before I show you the pics , let me show you the pictures of a Sableye (which is related to the pictures that I am going to show you)
Erm.. My brain went hay-wired for a moment and after I regained composure, I replied , " Well, they are married to each other and now they are mating to 'produce' a child "
Kiddo ( abb. K) : Is this their children ? (Showing me a Ludicolo card)
Me (abb . M) : Yes yes ... You see the Bulbasaur is green and Psyduck is yellow and this fellow have yellow and green colour and also it has the lotus shape head and the duck beak, yes you are so clever to notice that, it is really their child.
( Suddenly out of blue, I am feeling guilty about telling a "white lie" )
K : Oww... Then what is marriage ? Can tell me ... Please *_* .....
M: Ok, now .... (Grabbing red pen and blue pen) The red pen represents a woman and a blue pen represents a man
This is what we called an true love where the couple that married together are bonded together. They married not because of loneliness but they are ready to share their life together.Just like your pa and ma do and from their love, they created you . :)
By the way, my five year old neighbour kids came over ( I had to babysit him for a while ) and play Pokemon TGC with me today and somehow somewhere there are a card really caught up my attention. It is really weird to see this kind of card popping it in the kids trading card game
and that card alone makes him a very curious little boy
[The following pictures are heavily censored in this country and banned outright in this count and maybe NSFW :P]
Are you ready ?
5 . . . . .
4 . . . .
3 . . .
2 . .
1 .
Ta ~
Daa ~~
Wait wait wait ...... before I show you the pics , let me show you the pictures of a Sableye (which is related to the pictures that I am going to show you)
Okay cut short to the chase , I present you the long bragged "NSFW" pictures.
@_@ ~~~
And worst mistake of all, Sableye is Dark and Ghost type Pokemon not the grass types as printedin the card.
Then come the bombshell, the 5 years old kiddo asks me " What is that Bulbasaur and Psyduck is doing? "
Then, I had to teach him about flower and bees (which is vastly different from birds and bees)
Erm.. My brain went hay-wired for a moment and after I regained composure, I replied , " Well, they are married to each other and now they are mating to 'produce' a child "
Kiddo ( abb. K) : Is this their children ? (Showing me a Ludicolo card)
( Suddenly out of blue, I am feeling guilty about telling a "white lie" )
K : Oww... Then what is marriage ? Can tell me ... Please *_* .....
M: Ok, now .... (Grabbing red pen and blue pen) The red pen represents a woman and a blue pen represents a man
This is what we called an true love where the couple that married together are bonded together. They married not because of loneliness but they are ready to share their life together.Just like your pa and ma do and from their love, they created you . :)
K: Oh..... But I follow my ma to supermarket and see guy kiss guy over there. My mom says they are gay.
M: 0_0 ( Double kill ! ) Oh ... kid, remember human is a very very very complex animal. You didn't know exactly what other people reasons for doing things that are not normally accepted in society. But we can't deny their existence either. But promise me this, one day, you go find a good girl to settle down , okay ? Promise?
K: Don't know what you talk about . But okay ... Pinky promise.
M: This is what we called same gender marriage. Simply put, man/man or woman/woman marries each other
K: But they cannot get a kid right ?
M: (Stop asking me question =_= ...) Yes yes, but there are other ways. They can adopt a kid.
K: What is adopt?
M: Ermm... simply said it is raising up a kid that is not your own .
K: Okay . . . But if a people marry already , why they want to divorce ?
M: Where you learn that word?
K: My mom gossips with some pasar auntie and I heard it .
M: (This kids is really . . .) There are times in life where unexpected things will happened makes the both couple are angry about each other.
K: Why ?
M: Because humans are complex creatures and generally had unlimited needs. Just don't ask me more ok. But since you are interested, I tell you right now. Here ...
Sometimes , the woman may feels that her husband is useless by judging his salary is smaller or just he is plain useless after he is being sacked. So ....
she just met someone with high caliber than her husband, so she just gone with him . So, kiddo. If you want your wife, don't be a useless person , okay ?
So, if the problems is left untreated, it will lead to infidelity and it ultimately leads to divorce .
K: Gasp ! So, that means that I need to study hard like my mom said .
M: Yes yes. You can go on playing now.
K: Wait wait . . . . how about my so- and-so uncle marry a foreigner ?
M: (=_= . . . Why this little fellow had so many question one ???? ) Hmm ... nowadays , mostly the girls had too much unrealistic expectations of life partners. Heard of 5 B's ?
K: Nope.
M: Okay, the 5 B's are Owning a bank, bungalow, BMW , career as a Boss and Brain. So that's why many men likes to fetch an oversea bride such as Vietnamese who are generally more docile. :) The people over here called them mail-order bride.
K: O.. o.... Can I ask 1 more question ?
M: All right . . . . Come and shoot ...
K: Is it okay for a man to marry many many woman ?
M: Depending on whom you ask. In the past, a king / emperor usually marry many many wives. They are called concubines and they are kept inside the harem.
K: Why ?
M: Because it is human nature. When a person suddenly become powerful and rich, he /she will think the world is at their control and do wasteful, inconsiderate things or just they want others to 'envy' at their flamboyant lives
(Suddenly, the kiddo's mom is back !)
Hey, look look . Your Mom is back already, she must be misses you so much. Bye bye kiddo .
K: Thanks for teaching me a lot of new stuffs today .
M: (You are too smart for your age... =_= ) Okay ..... welcome
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A wee bit of fun in Scilab
When I was in secondary school, I remember one of my most favourite subject - Physic !
Well together with Mr Ong Tan Chee of unique way of presenting the Physics , well I look forward to his lesson every time he start the class.
(Last time I heard, he is opening his own Physic tuition center)
Now below is the Scilab simulation of oscillation of spring against a frictionless wall
A spring is works by oscillating under the influence of gravity but in this case , we are putting it horizontal making it under the object mass's oscillation.
You can modify the coding to your liking and insert the proper oscillation equations .
(P.S: I know it is v=k(Oscillation Frequency) + (Damping)
Below, this is the visualization of our Physic problems
--------------START COPYING HERE---------------------------
// Simulation of friction when there is a forced oscillation spring against a wall
// Time axis
t = 0: 0.01: 20;
// Set initial conditions ///////////////
m = 1; //Mass of weight
k = 2; // Spring stiffness
L = 5; // Length of spring by first pull
R = 3; // Frictional force proportional to speed
v0 = 0; // The wall friction is frictionless
w0 = k/m; // w0 is set at a direction
r = R/2*m;
// Non - homogeneous ////////////////
w = 2; // 'Corner' Frequency
a = 3; // Amplitude of the spring(after first pull)
// Coeffiecient matrixes of simultaneous differential equations
M = [ [0 1] ;
[-w0 -2*r] ] ;
// Default values
x0 = [L, v0]' ;
// Definition of derivative, non homogeneous input on next
deff("xdot = df(t,x)", "xdot = M*x+[0; a*cos(w*t)]");
// Numerical calculations
y = ode(x0, 0, t, df);
//Because of the matrix is also y, we take position of object as element in a row
plot2d(t, y(1,:), 5);
xset("font size",3)
xtitle('Solution Curve, R=3, a=2','t','x');
r = R/2*m;
// Next non - homogeneous equation ////////////////
w = 2; //'Corner' frequency
a = 3; // Amplitude of the spring after first pull
Q = a*cos(w*t);
// Coeffiecient matrixes of simultaneous differential equations
M = [ [0 1] ;
[-w0 -2*r] ] ;
// Default values
x0 = [L, v0]' ;
// Definition of derivatives
deff("xdot = df(t,x)", "xdot = M*x+[0; a*cos(w*t)]");
//Numerical calculations - ODE
y = ode(x0, 0, t, df);
// Because the matrix is also y, we take the position of the object may be an element in row
plot2d(t, y(1,:), 5);
xset("font size",3)
xtitle('Solution Curve, R=3, a=2','t','x');
And you should get this answer . . . . . . .
Both results are same because the code is purposely coded to compare two different oscillations results
You can tweak the part b graph coding to compare.
Ok, that's all folks. Enjoy your holiday !
Well together with Mr Ong Tan Chee of unique way of presenting the Physics , well I look forward to his lesson every time he start the class.
(Last time I heard, he is opening his own Physic tuition center)
Now below is the Scilab simulation of oscillation of spring against a frictionless wall
A spring is works by oscillating under the influence of gravity but in this case , we are putting it horizontal making it under the object mass's oscillation.
You can modify the coding to your liking and insert the proper oscillation equations .
(P.S: I know it is v=k(Oscillation Frequency) + (Damping)
Below, this is the visualization of our Physic problems
--------------START COPYING HERE---------------------------
// Simulation of friction when there is a forced oscillation spring against a wall
// Time axis
t = 0: 0.01: 20;
// Set initial conditions ///////////////
m = 1; //Mass of weight
k = 2; // Spring stiffness
L = 5; // Length of spring by first pull
R = 3; // Frictional force proportional to speed
v0 = 0; // The wall friction is frictionless
w0 = k/m; // w0 is set at a direction
r = R/2*m;
// Non - homogeneous ////////////////
w = 2; // 'Corner' Frequency
a = 3; // Amplitude of the spring(after first pull)
// Coeffiecient matrixes of simultaneous differential equations
M = [ [0 1] ;
[-w0 -2*r] ] ;
// Default values
x0 = [L, v0]' ;
// Definition of derivative, non homogeneous input on next
deff("xdot = df(t,x)", "xdot = M*x+[0; a*cos(w*t)]");
// Numerical calculations
y = ode(x0, 0, t, df);
//Because of the matrix is also y, we take position of object as element in a row
plot2d(t, y(1,:), 5);
xset("font size",3)
xtitle('Solution Curve, R=3, a=2','t','x');
r = R/2*m;
// Next non - homogeneous equation ////////////////
w = 2; //'Corner' frequency
a = 3; // Amplitude of the spring after first pull
Q = a*cos(w*t);
// Coeffiecient matrixes of simultaneous differential equations
M = [ [0 1] ;
[-w0 -2*r] ] ;
// Default values
x0 = [L, v0]' ;
// Definition of derivatives
deff("xdot = df(t,x)", "xdot = M*x+[0; a*cos(w*t)]");
//Numerical calculations - ODE
y = ode(x0, 0, t, df);
// Because the matrix is also y, we take the position of the object may be an element in row
plot2d(t, y(1,:), 5);
xset("font size",3)
xtitle('Solution Curve, R=3, a=2','t','x');
And you should get this answer . . . . . . .
Both results are same because the code is purposely coded to compare two different oscillations results
You can tweak the part b graph coding to compare.
Ok, that's all folks. Enjoy your holiday !
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Out of the deep blue sea, now into devil's lair
Heh... During my exam week. I got this peculiar dream and it is very very odd too . . . at this time of exam !
(Double click the image to enlarge it!)
Yah... It is more or less is this. =_= ... They said dream is some kind of premonition but I tried to shrug it off ...
By the way, I am finally freed of my exam ! Wohoo !
My final exam is over !
Hehehe ... enough said about it ~ Gonna enjoy serious DotA mode tonight to make up my stress accumulation =_=
By the way, you wonder why my title is as gloomy as ever although my exam is over ?
Cause we had no damn holiday A-G-A-I-N ! All thanks to EAC and Unimap accreditation. =_=
Screw you ! So to UniMAP, when we can start on FYP (athough I had some milestones already!) if we had unending class ?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It's exam time for my final year
Not too say much, tomorrow is my first paper ~ Engineering Management ~
But the author of this blog is still taking things easy lor in his own wonderland ...
Just kidding. Cut me some slack after I burn the midnight oil, ok ?
So , to all of the Unimap students who will be taking exam starting tomorrow! I wish all the best for you and good luck ! ! ! ! !
Ok, for the last time I will be saying this:For a fortnight (2 weeks) , I won't be updating anything ! :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Happy 100th blog postings and exclusive interview with ZeusHammer !
For some people, this is not even to be bothered about but for me. I had come a long way here, able to blog the 100th postings on my blog !
As you can see, most blogs I surf will post about maybe for 10-20 posts before calling it quits
:) Thanks very much to the Google Analytics, I am able to track down more accurately about my visitors from around the world ! :)
Now, let me present the statistic of overall (from June 2010 until current day [8.11.2010] !)

:) The number of visitors increases every month ! :)
Now let us see what type of browser they used ?
Emm.. Chrome is winner here .But I mainly use Firefox and Opera! Seems a lot of people uses Chrome here.
Now, let us see what Operating System that majority use in here.
:) That is what I like blogging where I know who/when/where the visitor viewing the zeushammer blog.
Now back to tradition, let us go to the Q&A sessions.
Q: What is your real name really, besides the nick name Zeushammer ?
A: My real name is Xu Whai Tuck . ^_^ If you are observant enough, my name is at bottom on this blog.
Q: So where are you from?
A: Mount Olympia ? Kidding.... Actually I am from somewhere part of developed South East Asia countries named Malaysia -> Johor -> Bandar Pengaram
Q: Ok, I see. . . Can you show me a picture of you ?
A: Sure . . . There you go . . .
That is me after I recharge from fountains of life and just bought my Agnahim Specters . I am ready to rock and roll and thunder blast, baby !
And this is me again, fully armoured if I am going to battle against the Scourge and notice me in fully bread braided. :( > ... Hohoho ... Kids nowadays mistaken me for Santa if i am not braiding my beard
Q: Perhaps, I ask the wrong way. I mean . . . erm .. how should I put it . . . arh . . . a self portrait of you .
A: Erm, perhaps you can get enough of my beautiful beard ? :)
Be stunned . . .
Q: No no no... You don't get it. I mean ... I want to see a real picture of you, taken using a camera. Whatever kind of camera (Phone camera, Camera,DSLR) you took with is none of my business. I just want to see a real pictures of you .
A: Wow.. Wait let me think . . . O... I get it. Ok, chill down friends . Here is my recent pictures of me go hunting of wild boars with Cerberus , borrowed from my brother, Hades.
I don't bring out hammer for hunting cause how you expect the hammer to be used in hunting . :)
FYI, it is my bro's 3 headed doggy took photos of my ultra kill pose. :P
Note that I didn't cover my body with my grayish electric conductive lotions
Q: Forget that I asked the question earlier. Oh wait, what you meant by you didn't apply the grayish electric conductive lotions ?
A: That is one of the reasons of why my skill cooldown is the fastest in the DotA game particularly for one reason, well . . . . . I am a demi - god and the grayish lotion is actually SILVER . Silver as you know is the only known metal that achieves the highest electric conductances. Go check out with a encyclopedia if you still have doubt.
Q: Zeus with hammer ? I thought Zeus weapon of choice is lightning bolt?
A: Why? Is there a problem dude?
Now, you can see fight between my cousin's, Odin mace vs my hammer?
I tell you now, my hammer always wins , ALWAYS WILL !!!
Q: Why you are obsessed with hammer ?
A: Hammer just as anything else in this world had dual purposes. . . For millenias , I had witness how the hammer is used to build up a great civilization and also it can be used for destructive purpose and how it is turn changing some of the dramatic events in the century
Q: Since you are demi - god yourself, why is your point of view of the worlds religion ?
A: No offense kids, but remember the last question you asked me about how the hammer is used to change some of the world's most dramatic events.
Heh ... Seeing this pictures makes me miss all the time I was younger . :(
Q: Can you demonstrate me your skills ?
A: Of course . Here you go . . . . .
![]() |
Lightning Justice [I] - Cast the hammer bolt onto target area which will caused units in area of effect will be temporarily stunned for a moment |
![]() |
Eye of Storm [M] - Damage a primarily target units with a small splash damage around the surrounding units |
![]() |
Hand of Vortex [T] - Pull back enemies within range with a long chain of lightnings. Causes the enemies to loss some of the hp during drag. |
![]() |
Wrath of Olympus [O] - Causes the Lord of Olympia to attack more faster with each attack will have a small chance to cast Chain of Lightning with stunning effect |
Q: Erm.. alrightey then. Have a blast blog birthday celebrations yah.
A: Thanks Mr_Anonymous
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