Saturday, September 10, 2011

My working life as Android . . .

Sorry for long hiatus,folks . Some of you missing my blog post until they hammered me with it . . . I am busy doing my real work (even though it is Saturdays and Sundays) developing the next generation technologies. :S ...

It is tiring (I think you simply take any Malaysian and work in S.Korea from 9 am to  ~ 9pm (sometimes 2am) , I think they will mentally and physically exhausted within 1 week *at most). But no sweat for me, as I am attracted to Korea since long ................. time ago when I watched Da Chang Jing (大長今) in Channel U last time. 

한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다 :]

Yeah, so you can say ... well it is foolhardy of me to go somewhere alien without friends and family and relatives ... But well, if you had a dream, you might as well try your very best to make it come true, right ?

So, as somewhere days after my final examination, I take flight to Korea :) 
~~~FLY AWAY~~~

And somehow reach this place safely and you know doing stuffs like checking place for rent and of course, prepare to go doing my job . :P . . . 

And so after nearly 2 weeks of house renting, I got to stay somewhere near Seoul :] And I "officially" become a Korean (without revoking my Malaysian nationalities of course). And hell, you think what my job was? 

It is a "top secret" to disclose my whole job operations, but I become "somewhat" but not fully Android developer.

Bash Command$: Make a funny face
STATUS : Command is not recognized  as in internal and external of program

This is what I do now. ...

Kidding, You can says that I am using Android by Google to create custom UI/OS/drivers/anything-that-make-your-hardware-ticks for certain smartphone and tablet computers WHICH is got screwed badly by evil Microsoft (15 USD license fee per phone sold)  and also Apple (Injunction to bar Tab sold in EU) . Screw to both of them especially Microsoft, since I and my small team use the in - house technologies to develop the Android OS for the smartphones and tablet. Screw to both of them and also the fucked up patent law. The software development part is one of my tasks in everyday job as I involved with other stuffs too but it is very difficult things to explained if you do not have engineering background. 

So if anyone asks what I do for living and to make them less confused, I just answered  
"I developed Samsung GalaxyS2, bitch/bastard"

Hey, to be fair , this "over-achieving" guy also said he once in developement project of Iphone 4 too ...
Google it (Timothy Lim Seng Yen

But however, looking at bright side, I got stable job with monthly income now and learning new things everyday :) 

Plus, I mix with a lot of new friends and many many hot and pretty girls in Korea (They said they never go to plastic surgery [unlike some Korea stereotype] , which I assume it is true [Or else, why they would lie about this] ) 

Btw, here is some cute Hangul girl (I had no relationship with her except as my team member ;[ ) with Android Plushies . :] 

On a side note , she  had a boyfriend already and engaged . ;[ Down to minimun !
P.S: She kinds of reminding me of my pretty pretty internship supervisor

Anyway, back to work work work topics. 

Steve Jobs once said 
"It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager... they blew it. Users shouldn't ever have to think about it." in Engadget. 

:] So you had to stay tuned for the coming Galaxy Note, Stevie.

Before I sign out, I hereby presents "I am not evil, just hungry!" and update you that Galaxy W Pro and Wave 3  is coming soon. 

(P.S: That is my colleague Mac Book and Android plushies) 

Chiao ... and random babbling about some BS soon.
How soon? That is when I got no more phones left to invent . . . 

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