Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's exam time for my final year

Not too say much, tomorrow is my first paper ~ Engineering Management ~

But the author of this blog is still taking things easy lor in his own wonderland ...

Just kidding. Cut me some slack after I burn the midnight oil, ok ?

So , to all of the Unimap students who will be taking exam starting tomorrow! I wish all the best for you and good luck ! ! ! ! !

Ok, for the last time I will be saying this:For a fortnight (2 weeks) , I won't be updating anything ! :) 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy 100th blog postings and exclusive interview with ZeusHammer !

For some people, this is not even to  be bothered about but for me. I had come a long way here, able to blog the 100th postings on my blog ! 
As you can see, most blogs I surf will post about maybe for 10-20 posts before calling it quits 

:) Thanks very much to the Google Analytics, I am able to track down more accurately about my visitors from around the world ! :) 

Now, let me present the statistic of overall (from June 2010 until current day [8.11.2010] !)

:) The number of visitors increases every month ! :)

Now let us see what type of browser they used ?

Emm.. Chrome is winner here .But I mainly use Firefox and Opera! Seems a lot of people uses Chrome here.

Now, let us see what Operating System that majority use in here.

:) That is what I like blogging where I know who/when/where the visitor viewing the zeushammer blog.

Now back to tradition, let us go to the Q&A sessions.


Q: What is your real name really, besides the nick name Zeushammer ?
A: My real name is Xu Whai Tuck . ^_^ If you are observant enough, my name is at bottom on this blog.

Q: So where are you from?
A: Mount Olympia ? Kidding.... Actually I am from somewhere part of developed South East Asia countries named Malaysia -> Johor -> Bandar Pengaram

Q: Ok, I see. . . Can you show me a picture of you ? 
A: Sure . . . There you go . . . 

That is me after I recharge from fountains of life and just bought my Agnahim Specters . I am ready to rock and roll and thunder blast, baby !

And this is me again, fully armoured if I am going to battle against the Scourge and notice me in fully bread braided. :( > ... Hohoho ... Kids nowadays mistaken me for Santa if i am not braiding my beard

Q: Perhaps, I ask the wrong way. I mean . . . erm .. how should I put it . . . arh . . . a self portrait of you .
A: Erm, perhaps you can get enough of my beautiful beard ? :) 
Be stunned . . . 

Q: No no no... You don't get it. I mean ... I want to see a real picture of you, taken using a camera. Whatever kind of camera (Phone camera, Camera,DSLR) you took with is none of my business. I just want to see a real pictures of you .

A: Wow.. Wait let me think . . . O... I get it. Ok, chill down friends . Here is my recent pictures of me go hunting of wild boars with Cerberus , borrowed from my brother, Hades.    

I don't bring out hammer for hunting cause how you expect the hammer to be used in hunting . :)
FYI, it is my bro's 3 headed doggy took photos of my ultra kill pose. :P 
Note that I didn't cover my body with my grayish electric conductive lotions

Q: Forget that I asked the question earlier. Oh wait, what you meant by you didn't apply the grayish electric conductive lotions ? 
A: That is one of the reasons of why my skill cooldown is the fastest in the DotA game particularly for one reason, well . . . . .  I am a demi - god and the grayish lotion is actually SILVER . Silver as you know is the only known metal that achieves the highest electric conductances. Go check out with a encyclopedia if you still have doubt.

Q: Zeus with hammer ? I thought Zeus weapon of choice is lightning bolt?
A: Why? Is there a problem dude?
Now, you can see fight between my cousin's, Odin mace vs my hammer?
I tell you now, my hammer always wins , ALWAYS WILL !!!

Q: Why you are obsessed with hammer ?
A: Hammer just as anything else in this world had dual purposes. . . For millenias , I had witness how the hammer is used to build up a great civilization and also it can be used for destructive purpose and how it is turn changing some of the dramatic events in the century

Q:  Since you are demi - god yourself, why is your point of view of the worlds religion ?
A: No offense kids, but remember the last question you asked me about how the hammer is used to change some of the world's most dramatic events.
Heh ... Seeing this pictures makes me miss all the time I was younger . :( 

Q: Can you demonstrate me your skills ?
A: Of course . Here you go . . . . . 

 Lightning Justice [I] - Cast the hammer bolt onto target area which will caused units in area of effect will be temporarily stunned for a moment
Eye of Storm [M] -  Damage a primarily target units with a small splash damage around the surrounding units 
Hand of Vortex [T] - Pull back enemies within range with a long chain of lightnings. Causes the enemies to loss some of the hp during drag.
 Wrath of Olympus [O] - Causes the Lord of Olympia to attack more faster with each attack will have a small chance to cast Chain of Lightning with stunning effect

Q: Erm.. alrightey then. Have a blast blog birthday celebrations yah. 
A: Thanks Mr_Anonymous  

Friday, November 5, 2010

A song dedication to the Mr Sun


A little faith . . .
brightens a rainy day.


Life's difficult , you can't just go away . . .

Don't hide yourself behind the clouds

You still have Perlis to shine . . .

Sorrow is gonna say goodbye . . .

Opens up and you will see own happy sunshine

Don't keep going on with your dreaming
and start ,
chasing tomorrow's sunrise

Sun will shine, my friend
Won't let you rain.... my dear

Seeing you, shed the rain
make Perlis dissapear
You will make me alone and homeless

See my smile ....
my friend
We are with you
Holding hands ....

You have got to believe
You are my the saviour
We are meant to be your friends
That's what a friend should do . . .


This is a  tribute song to my old friend, Mr Sun who had been in hiding for more than 1 week already and right now just receive a critical report that my Universiti Malaysia Perlis hostel in Kampung Wai there starts to floods already [around 2:36 pm - 5th November 2010]. Remembering all of my stuffs that I had left at there

Or I just should sing rain rain, go away. Please come back, for another day ....

Or I should pray very hard to let the rain go away ?

Man, may sweet mother nature had mercy on us all . . . . .

And also I would like to give special thanks the Jabatan Bomba, Rumah Kebajikan and all the volunteers help the Perlis people for the job well done to maintain casualty to 0 (for now). The poor Perlis people must be very heart broken that the flood rises up to 2 meters in some place....

Lyrics copied and modified from
2R- Shining Friends

Images froms
Mood Weather Report

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A short weekly updates

For this weeks onwards until the December, I won't be able to blog due to exams ~~~

:) Just to let you chumps know and I will be posting something on my blogs later this week. :) It is quite a milestone having coming a long long way here.

As usual, I post my boxhead photos !

Yup, I am taking photo's of mother nature!

Another random post to read ? Come !

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